Simple home made Ayurveda Medicine for Nose Block

Many times we face nose blockage due to air pollution or any dust allergies.

What if I can tell you the recipe which will completely solve the issue in 2 days without having a lots of expensive medicines of any nasal drops.

Nasal drops are very dangerous for our brain.

Better use some Ayurveda home remedies.

The best for nasal congestion from our kitchen is onion.

Take an onion. Peal it off. Clean well with filter water.

Now take a mortar and pastel and crush it in to a paste.
Don't use mixture grinder. Because it will make a paste and we will have issues later.

Now take a cotton cloth and pour this paste into it.

Now use your hand to squeeze it to extract its juice.

Now this liquid should look like watery.

If one can bear the burning sensation of it for few seconds, use it directly.

If someone who can not bear the burning sensation, liquidate it with some filtered water.

Now its ready to use. Keep it in a nasal drop container or eye drop container.
Keep inside fridge for at least 7 days.

Move your head back as if your nose is up. Lay on a sofa would be nice position.

Now just put one drop in the nose and stay still.

You will get some sneezes if it worked and immediately your nose will be cleared.
After some minutes it will go to the same blocked state again.

You can repeat it when ever you feel.

Believe me after a long struggle of 4 months with my closed nose, I did a research and found this from very old Ayurveda books. None of the medicines helped me since long.

With in 3 days I got completely alright.

Hope you will try it and give a thumbs up for this.
Please don't forget to comment and encourage me.
